A Call for papers | Conference 2010
The University of Mississippi’s Center for Civil War Research announces a call for papers for its annual Conference on the Civil War, to be held October 13-15, 2010. This conference will be held in partnership with the Porter Fortune Symposium on History, an annual conference that has long been a part of the University’s intellectual landscape.
Our conference title is “And the War Came,” and will be focus on the events and issues that led to secession and civil war. Papers are encouraged to consider a wide spectrum of topics, including (but not limited to) slavery and abolition, antebellum sectionalism and economics, the crises of the 1850s, politics and political parties, the election of Lincoln and the secession winter.
Our keynote speaker is Lacy K. Ford, Jr., University of South Carolina, who is the author of The Origins of Southern Radicalism: The South Carolina Upcountry, 1800-1860, and most recently Deliver Us from Evil: The Slavery Question in the Old South (Oxford University Press, 2009).
We anticipate a published volume of the proceedings, and all papers presented at the conference will be considered for inclusion. We encourage submissions from scholars of all ranks, from graduate students to established scholars. Proposals for either panels or individual papers, including an abstract and c.v. of all participants, should be sent to John Neff, Center for Civil War Research, Department of History, University of Mississippi, University, MS, 38677, or emailed to civilwar@olemiss.edu. All proposals received before September 6 will be considered fully.